
At Form Ratings we prefer the term strategies when it comes to Horse Racing Systems. Systems give the impression that they are completely automated, and require very little user input, where as strategies are a way of using our data to make better betting decisions.

Our Horse Racing Strategies have been sourced from our own team and from our members to give a good steer on how to start using our data, when it comes to finding potential selections to bet on. They are not a simple 'do this' - 'bet on this' and 'you will big' method of selecting horses, rather they are a way of using our ratings and other form factors to find horses with a better chance of winning their races (or losing if you're laying a bet on them).

You'll find our Horse Racing Strategy page will lay out each strategy in an easy to follow way, so that you can replicate very easily the method shown. We always suggest you paper trade the strategy whilst your fine hone it to suit your betting style.

Those who are Gold and Platinum members will notice you have access to the selections from the day's racing in our Smart Selections. This is our computer trawling through the cards, following the strategy and coming up with a list of horses for you. This is a purely time saving feature available to our premium members, who find the best success in using these selections along with their own strategy to help them make better betting decisions.

None of our strategies or smart selections are designed to be followed blindly, and better results will be gained when you add in your own strategy.

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