How to Prove before you lose

Proving whether a horse racing strategy works before you lose involves a number of steps, all before you place any real money on the selections from the strategy.


There is no foolproof strategy in horse racing, as it involves an element of chance. Even the most successful strategies can experience losing streaks.

However, through rigorous analysis and disciplined betting, you can increase your chances of long-term profitability and demonstrate the effectiveness of your strategy over time.

How to prove a strategy:

Understand the Ratings

Do some thorough research into our ratings, ensuring you know what they are, what factors are involved in their calculation and how they are performing.

Analyse Historical Data

Look for patterns on old race cards and see if you can spot any strategies which could come from those patterns.

Identify Key Ratings and Variables

Spotting the patterns will help you identify the key ratings and the variables which impact each of them.

Develop a Strategy

Once you have the patterns and understand the variables you can then develop the strategy that you want to test with future race cards. Be disciplined with what the strategy is, and what it is not.

Track Results

We call it paper trading, using a spreadsheet or other tool to tack the results your strategy produce. Strategies are for the long term, so tracking them should be done over a long period/season. Proving the effectiveness of a strategy often requires a large sample size of bets over an extended period. Short-term fluctuations are common, so focus on long-term profitability.

Refine and Adapt

If the strategy isn't working, be prepared to adapt it as needed. Horse racing is dynamic, and conditions can change, so your strategy should evolve to stay relevant. However, don't change things around until each version is thoroughly tracked to ensure you're not just in the middle of a losing streak.

Bet Responsibly

Never bet more than you can afford to lose. Don't put the house on the first time you use the strategy for real, remember losing streaks can occur even in the most successful of strategies.

Consider other sources

Keep an eye on expert handicappers and racing analysts for insights and tips that align with your strategy. They can offer valuable perspectives and help you refine your approach.

Seek Feedback

Use the Form Ratings group to discuss strategies you'd like to test and get feedback, there may be someone who has tried your strategy, or you can help develop one of their own.

Using Form Ratings is a powerful tool to help you make better betting decisions by enhancing your horse racing strategy, as it provides quantitative data and analysis.

However, it's essential to remember that no ratings can guarantee success, and your strategy should be continually adjusted and refined based on real-world conditions and results.

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