I can't get results from the Form Ratings, what can I do?
Looking through the Form Ratings for the first time can be overwhelming and sometimes not yield the results as expected. Our Knowledgebase has a wealth of information to help you along the way, but here's some pointers to help select your own from the Form Ratings.
If you're looking for systems from the Form Ratings, combining both our Top HRS (Horse Race Score) and Top FRN (Form Ratings Number) together can provide good results. You'll see the top numbers highlighted in bold for each race on the racecards - we're looking for both HRS and FRN to be top and therefore the rating number in bold.
Let's take a look how we can locate our own selections from the Form Ratings cards using both Top HRS and Top FRN outright combined.
I'm using Tuesday 19th January's card for these examples and Welsh Saint looks a contender here in the 1:45pm at Exeter but as it's not outright on HRS, we'd need to discount this selection and move onto our next one. Welsh Saint ended up unseating its rider, so a good job we steered clear of that one!
Our next contender comes in the 2:05pm at Clonmel and it's Quarry Lil with an outright Top HRS of 8 and a Top FRN of 287
Quarry Lil ended up the eventual winner at 5/1 starting the first selections of the day off nicely.
Carrying on throughout Tuesday 19th January's card, here's how they panned out using the combination of outright Top HRS and Top FRN.
Time & Meeting | Horse | Result | Odds | Points |
2:05pm Clonmel | Quarry Lil | 1st | 5/1 | 5 |
2:55pm Fakenham | Ahorsewithnoname | Meeting Abandoned | NA | 0 |
3:05pm Clonmel | All The Chimneys | Pulled Up | 5/1 | -1 |
3:15pm Exeter | Nachi Falls | Lost | 25/1 | -1 |
3:25pm Fakenham | Away For Slates | Meeting Abandoned |
NA | 0 |
4:15pm Exeter | Chavez | Lost | 5/2 | -1 |
4:40pm Southwell | Centurion Song | 2nd | 7/4 | -1 |
5:10pm Southwell | Alpha Theta | 1st | 8/15 | 0.53 |
6:40pm Southwell | Marve | Lost | 4/1 | -1 |
7:10pm Southwell | Nick Vedder | 1st | 11/10 | 1.1 |
Results | 3 Winners from 8 = 37.5% Strike Rate | +1.63 |
A 37.5% strike rate is very respectable and generated small profits of 1.63 points from those 8 selections.
It's sometimes worth paper trading any new systems to watch them through and minimise any potential losses, so you're not risking real money.
Gold Members do get our automatically generated Smart Daily Selections and that highlights some of the best horses of the day using our ratings and carefully selected algorithms.